Dear readers, this month I am trying something new. I am listing the shows that I would like to see. These are not reviews, since I have not seen these productions (with the exception of one that I would like to see again). They are the entertainment choices I would make on my own behalf.
Obviously, I cannot see all of these performances. That would be impossible. Some evenings I have work to do, and other times I am unable to get tickets. However, this may be a more effective tool for planning your entertainment month without having to read through my voluminous listings of theatrical offers. Also, it will be especially handy if you are planning on stalking me.
So, without further ado, here are my recommendations for the upcoming month, listed chronologically by date. Some entries appear on multiple dates, so you can adjust your schedule accordingly.
Munkavégzés során nem biztonságos (Not Safe for Work) -- How do male and female magazine editors manipulate their readers through images? What are the ethics involved when stirring up controversy? This English play by Lucy Kirkwood explores these issues. (Performed in Hungarian, naturally!) Katona Studio at 7pm
Egy piaci nap (One Market Day) -- This new play by successful writer Pál Zavada received very good reviews. It has a good cast and a talented, experienced director. Radnóti Theater at 7pm
Rozsdatemető 2.0 (Junkyard 2.0) -- Sixty years in the life of a Budapest family as they live through all the cataclysms of the twentieth century. Katona József Theater at 7pm
Egy piaci nap (One Market Day) -- This new play by successful writer Pál Zavada received very good reviews. It has a good cast and a talented, experienced director. Radnóti Theater at 7pm
Rozsdatemető 2.0 (Junkyard 2.0) -- Sixty years in the life of a Budapest family as they live through all the cataclysms of the twentieth century. Katona József Theater at 7pm
Régi és új dalok (New and Old Songs) -- A concert of trios for the female voice with piano accompaniment. Bartók Memorial House at 6pm
Hurok (Strings) -- A talented director and strong cast bring us this commentary on modern politics – that is, the mechanism whereby the stupidity of politicians affects society. Jurányi Incubator House at 8pm
Mi történt Baby Jane-nel? (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?) -- It will be impossible to top the classic film with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Still, it may be fun to see the theatrical results. Hatszín Theater at 7pm
Mondjad, Atikám! (Tell Us, My Little Attila!) -- This program about the writing of beloved poet Attila József seeks to uncover the secret of the artist’s brilliance and his tragic life. It may be difficult to follow, though. It is a one-man-show performed by the admittedly talented Miklós H. Vecsei. Pesti Theater at 7pm
Mi történt Baby Jane-nel? (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?) -- It will be impossible to top the classic film with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Still, it may be fun to see the theatrical results. Hatszín Theater at 7pm
Woyzeck -- This unfinished play by Büchner premiered in 1913, and when well done, it is one of the most frightening pieces for the stage, unreeling like a fractured and unstoppable nightmare. How good is the version at the National Theater? I don’t know, but it has received positive feedback. It is directed by the son of the National Theater’s manager. National Theater at 7:30pm
Bakkhánsnők (The Bacchae) -- The classic ancient Greek drama about sexual repression by Euripides as performed by students of the drama academy. Ódry Theater at 7pm
A halottember (The Dead Man) -- I do not know much about this play. A friend told me it was good. The first part is mostly a monologue by one actress, so it may be hard to understand. Szkéné Theater at 7pm
Woyzeck -- This unfinished play by Büchner premiered in 1913, and when well done, it is one of the most frightening pieces for the stage, unreeling like a fractured and unstoppable nightmare. How good is the version at the National Theater? I don’t know, but it has received positive feedback. It is directed by the son of the National Theater’s manager. National Theater at 7:30pm
KépMás (LikeNess) -- This performance includes young actors with autism to enlighten the audience about the condition, as well as to give insight into their lives and how to interact well with them. RS9 Theater at 7pm
Gypsinspire (Gypsy Inspire) -- A concert with Lajos Sárközy and his orchestra. MOM Culture Center at 7:30pm
Woyzeck -- This unfinished play by Büchner premiered in 1913, and when well done, it is one of the most frightening pieces for the stage, unreeling like a fractured and unstoppable nightmare. How good is the version at the National Theater? I don’t know, but it has received positive feedback. It is directed by the son of the National Theater’s manager. National Theater at 7:30pm
Emlékhangverseny (Memorial Concert) -- On the anniversary of Bartók’s death, László Borbély will play an evening of piano music. Bartók Memorial House at 6pm
Az apostol (The Apostle) -- What if revolutionary poet Sándor Petőfi came to earth now and tried to solve our problems with his nineteenth-century mindset? This production tackles that question, while leading the audience to different acting spaces outside the theater. MU Theater at 7pm
A jazz hercege (The Prince of Jazz) -- This is a play with music, directed by János Kókai, who has produced appealing shows in the past. RS9 Theater at 8pm
Az eltört korsó (The Broken Pitcher) -- The only comedy written by German playwright Heinrich von Kleist in the early 19th century. Here it is performed by a group from Salgótárjan, capital of Nógrád County in northern Hungary. Szkéné Theater at 7pm
Az eltört korsó (The Broken Pitcher) -- The only comedy written by German playwright Heinrich von Kleist in the early 19th century. Here is is performed by a group from Salgótárjan, capital of Nógrád County in northern Hungary. Szkéné Theater at 7pm
Bernd Róza (Rose Bernd) -- This German drama, written by Gerhart Hauptmann in the early 20th century, is practically unknown in Hungary and, I dare say, in most of the English-speaking world. The new production will be a chance to rediscover it. Thália Theater at 7:30pm
Selejtesek (The Inferior) -- Young performers unveil problems in the health care system as experienced by Roma (or gypsies). In the press release, they claim that they are seeking solutions, not merely complaining about their sufferings. RS9 Theater at 6pm
The Bald Soprano -- A rare evening of English-language theatre! Talented thespian Roderick Hill tries his hand at bringing this absurdist masterpiece to the stage, perhaps revealing how Ionesco’s nonsensical vision is now more realistic than ever. Három Holló (Three Crows) at 7pm
Eltűnő ingerek (Vanishing Impulses) -- Andrea Pass’s new piece not only explores how a domineering man’s family is affected by his debilitating stroke, but also how his mind gradually disintegrates. An ambitious work by one of Hungary’s best contemporary dramatists. Trafó House of Contemporary Dance at 8pm
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